Exclusieve documentaire ‘Now And Then’ – The Last Beatles Song
Op VRT CANVAS op 1 november om 21.10 uur

Op donderdag 2 november wordt wereldwijd de Beatles-song Now And Then gelanceerd. The Beatles hebben altijd het talent gehad om te verrassen en met de lancering van Now And Then voegen ze een opmerkelijke mijlpaal toe aan de muziekgeschiedenis. Now And Then is de laatste Beatles-song, geschreven en gezongen door John Lennon, bewerkt door Paul McCartney, George Harrison en Ringo Starr en nu 40 jaar later, voltooid door Paul en Ringo.
Naar aanleiding van deze unieke gebeurtenis brengt VRT CANVAS op woensdag 1 november de documentaire Now And Then - The Last Beatles Song. De documentaire duurt 12 minuten en vertelt het verhaal achter de laatste Beatles-song. Een uniek tijdsdocument, geschreven en geregisseerd door Oliver Murray met exclusief materiaal en commentaar van Paul, Ringo, George, Sean Ono Lennon en Peter Jackson.
Paul McCartney: “There it was, John’s voice, crystal clear. It’s quite emotional. And we all play on it, it’s a genuine Beatles recording. In 2023 to still be working on Beatles music, and about to release a new song the public haven’t heard, I think it’s an exciting thing.”
Ringo Star: “It was the closest we’ll ever come to having him back in the room so it was very emotional for all of us. It was like John was there, you know. It’s far out.”
Olivia Harrison: “Back in 1995, after several days in the studio working on the track, George felt the technical issues with the demo were insurmountable and concluded that it was not possible to finish the track to a high enough standard. If he were here today, Dhani and I know he would have whole-heartedly joined Paul and Ringo in completing the recording of ‘Now And Then’.”
Sean Ono Lennon: “It was incredibly touching to hear them working together after all the years that Dad had been gone. It’s the last song my dad, Paul, George and Ringo got to make together. It’s like a time capsule and all feels very meant to be.”